
No Harm in Thinking Twice: A poem by Gigi Mejri

When I inhale the smell of my dreams 
Evaporating, quitting me pitilessly
When I fall on my knees
Soaked in the sweat of disappointment
When I receive the fate shot and hit
When I knock at doors yet they remain firmly shut
I never give up
I make of a second chance my brain chant
When all around is haunting & poses a threat
Saying ” no way! you can’t “
I believe in the second chance
And write it on my heart’s entrance
I give a second try for change is possible
When the fence is too high for my feeble strength
And I fail the jump
I ‘ll offer myself a second chance
I’ll try again, I won’t stop at the first attempt
A second chance will come out of the trance
And properly uses its lance