Fluttering a pair of fragile wings,
Glittering in the sun,
Wondering if it could find some nectar,
Wandered the dainty butterfly in the rose garden.
Wondering if it could find some nectar,
Wandered the dainty butterfly in the rose garden.
Lured by the scent and bright petals….
The Creator’s bewitching art, the garden adorns,
Intricately designed soft petals upon the pedicel,
Why was it surrounded by nasty thorns?
The Creator’s bewitching art, the garden adorns,
Intricately designed soft petals upon the pedicel,
Why was it surrounded by nasty thorns?
All things in nature are bestowed with an armour;
Each, in its unique way, has a line of defence.
While camouflage enables the butterfly to hide,
Thorny modification provides protection to the flower.
Each, in its unique way, has a line of defence.
While camouflage enables the butterfly to hide,
Thorny modification provides protection to the flower.