
Myth breakers: A poem by Geethanjali Dilip

Sound waves traveled magically creating music in a box,
Fascination was a fairy tale when the unknown stayed under locks,
Someone had to end that story with frequency, valves, and bands,
And I grew up.

Epic stories spooled ribbons of fantasies,
Serpents swallowed the sun and the moon in galaxies,
My physics teacher had to shred the myth where the light was a protagonist,
And I grew up with umbras and penumbras, eclipse in a fist.

Cricket was a sport when a pocket transistor stayed glued,
My ears the receptacle in class until my teacher got rude,
The players played the game in the spirit of an honest sportsman,
Till match-fixing happened and I grew up and stopped watching the sport of a gentleman.

I thought all love stories came with a song,
Till life opened up and salaries didn’t let romance last long,
I saw families clinging on to their purses cementing their family,
The song ended fading away till I grew up feeling silly.

Today I refuse to stay wide-eyed in fascination at wifi,
A device now shows me the world and apples and windows are hifi,
But sadly I still am a little girl at heart and I want to make belief,
So I refuse to grow up as I let the moon remain a muse and not a satellite for me to perceive.