I had a date with kaleidoscopic rainbow hues of sky
Azure teasing blue blending with white clouds, turquoise looked shy
Fluffy flamboyant, fluttering, flapping- pleasing to the eye
Sapphire chariot of clouds like butterfly in the amorous bosom of sky
Myriad shapes clouds assume; marvel of nature they are
Earth in elation embracing horizon crossing all bars
Beautiful clouds play hide and seek with beloved moon and stars
Enticing a lover to sing and dance with the beloved and go far
My vagrant thoughts like clouds in the sky drift over peaks and valleys
Float freely over brooks & oceans, rivulets aiguille and alleys
In my mellowing years, I feel clouds cobalt scouring and skimming
The milky pearls bless surreal land with pristine shower shimmering
When dark clouds fill the teal skies, lightning strikes the mind, be cloud like calm
The epiphany comes that in life we must remain poised in the face of storm
Dr. Ritu Kamra Kumar