
My New Year: A Poem by Staffy Bhateja(Steffi)

(An acrostic)

M May there be prosperity and peace all around
Y Youth, Glory, Vigour- shall delineate the phase

N Novelty, Success, Fortune- we hope for them to cross our way
E Ending depravity, chaos and misery
W With powerful verses and creativity

Y Yelling “Hurrah!” in sheer excitement
E Eyeing for perfection in all streams
A Ample joy and camaraderie I yearn for
R Rising like a Phoenix from the ashes

W With chrysanthemums of bright hues blooming to their full glory
I I aspire to touch the zenith of sky with my achievements
S Shedding naivety, procrastination and redundancy
H Happy New Year 2025 everyone!