
My monumental mission: A poem by Mir Samsul Haque

I wish every passing moment would leave me much pleased
Amidst miscellaneous things maybe I’m excited but a bit anxious
Never do I alter my stride nor reconcile with amoral situations
I kick-start my every day so as to hit the big time of glorious thrill
Never do I allow inadvertent lapses to devour my mission wholly
As I keep burning my passions within, shunning the perverted way
A crumbling condition is ought to be tided over with all certainty
Night’s dreaded darkness dwindles the very next day’s sunshine
A tree never stops blooming when it finds favorable clime
A flower spreads its fast fragrance from far off forest
A tiny bee swirls and whirls merrily day in and day out
A bit of grit can salvage me from the downstream of time
Enduring time’s torments, recounting sweet spent days
Shedding no tears of remorse, nor been broken by lamentation
Proclaiming new renewal, disowning dire straits like a valiant soldier
There’s an end to eerie woes for I see weary days go by
The world is full of hardships and suffering, a much talked trite
With might and main, let’s reign the kingdom of dithering plight
Oh! The daylong Himalaya tasks upon the canvas of eventide
The still night settles the dust of thousand troubles at a time
Each soul streams in the ocean of woes yet make a way out
Every day is a new start, the solemn heart affirms, for time runs out
My perspectives are my prerogatives–my beckoning polestar of life
Like a toiling tiller, I undertake my mission to end up my upcoming strife