
My Meaningless Poem: A Poem by Madhuri Kulkarni

Deep inside my mind..there are a few words…
Words that are senseless, meaningless, speechless…
They clamor in silence…
Exactly like the white sheet of cloth…
over a corpse…
Waiting for someone to..give them a meaning…
You enter…everyday..with a different style…
Your footsteps…imprint themselves on the words…
As and when some of them gain life…
I take over the pen…
Thinking I can write something…
but in vain…
The frustrated words..disagree..and say…
My conscience has a suppressed
smoldering volcano…
Ready to explode anytime…
You have to explore new strategies
to hurt me in such a way…
That..the lava of words..pour out
of the ruptured volcano..and…
Create a calm lake of emotions…
Then only can I create a beautiful…
poem of meaningful words…
Until then…you have to read my
meaningless poem…