
My First True Love: A poem by Renette Dsouza

I waited endlessly at the window for hours
Waited patiently without ever getting bored
Waiting for him to magically appear
My eyes fixated at the end of the road.

His laughter like the first outburst of rain
On a glorious warm sunny afternoon
His smile, cool like the wind that blows
His face constantly glowing like a full moon.

When he spoke, his words were gentle
With a softness in his voice
His eyes sparkling with tenderness
In his arms, my heart would rejoice. 

I’d run into his arms as I saw him
And he would  lift  me high up  in the air
Then swirl me round and round and round
And tickle me everywhere. 

We’d take long walks in the park
He read me stories that made me glad
And tucked me into bed till I fell asleep
He is my first true love… My Dad.