
My Child: A poem by Nisha Raviprasad

Dear Child
I wonder, if you are watching her too, my child
from your new home miles away from me?
the way we used to when you were small
how you climbed on my lap and see 
her let loose silver hair like intangible, tender ethereal mist
that slipped between your tiny fingers, so soft 

you would count more than me, tiny crystals
bedecked on the midnight dome, those you longed to have
As I hummed lullabies rocking you in my arms
you would squeal at fireflies kissing our lawn

by the window now I watch her slide behind 
pirates, ships and little airplanes crafted in those
vivid clouds that bemused you in the languid night 
your face throbs in my blood, warm love pulsing 
through my veins, your laughter brushing my hair

you have grown up and become a man
have gone from my side and travel worldwide
As the soft wind sings to me, each night,
I still hum those lullabies that once rocked
you to sleep, that kissed your dreams sweet 
They are my prayers, your aura of strength

to keep you safe in the vault of golden light.