
My child: A poem by Munira Dalal

My child, I am always with you
In times of grief and happiness too
I know exactly what are your needs
I am your Father; I’ll pay by your deeds

My child love and look after me
Enjoy the beauty of mountains and sea
Preserve the water, air and each and every tree
I am your Mother Earth, I’ve given it free

My child learn to write and read
Knowledge is important for ignorance to be freed
Abide by the moral values and ethics I’ve instilled
My role as your teacher will be truly fulfilled

My child in your veins my blood flows
In you, many a time my image shows
Catch my hand and walk by my side
My child, I’m your mother, forever your guide

My child, I’m within you; your being
Without me, your life will have no meaning
Listen to me when I guide you on life’s way
I’m your conscience, heed to what I silently say