
Mother Earth-Heal thyself: A poem by Rachna Karara

Oh! Mother Earth-Heal thy self,
Your limits mankind has tread.

You have been abused through and through,
Humans forgot the line that you drew.

Verdant trees they cut in arrogance,
Greedily they enjoyed your bounties in the present.

Foolhardy was the man who did not understand,
How he was hurting his Motherland.

Rise to your former glory and finesse,
Man has come back to his common sense.

Heal and let us breathe fresh air,
Never will we trouble you, we swear.

Let the flowers bloom and the birds sing,
Take the whole Universe under your wing.

Let the azure blue of the sky return,
And poisonous fumes of yesterday be foregone.

Let the water be tranquil and the oceans pure,
Heal Motherland, and give them your cure.