
Monsoon magic: A poem by Jayashree Bhattacherjee

Brittle, grizzled, parched and scorched, as the  arid earth whispered its pain
Lo! The sky opened up, delicate as muslin, poured down the  soft rain
All hearts dancing like a peacock, greeted the advent of monsoon
With its soothing effect on heat-seared earth, what a pleasant beauty, what a blissful boon!
Just as the  soil became enriched with the  heavenly scent of Petrichor
With thunder and lightning, the rain started pouring in humongous drops, copious more and more
The incessant rain of the season lacked consistency, like a flippant lover
First soft and  mild, then came the artillery attacks of bludgeon shower
After expending its fury, it again toiled off to dull pitter-patter
Just like two old women for a time whispering together
In the streets colorful umbrellas popped up, rain coated children splashed on the puddles
Lovelorn beloveds holding each other tight, snuggled and cuddled
The plants absorbed the magic of the raindrops as they pattered on the  leaves of  summer
The shades of trees became troubled with crickets’ tremor
With the rain-drenched robust foliage as the  verdant and vibrant Nature began writing its saga
Synchronizing with the sonorous mood and rhythm, came afloating the cadence of Malhar Raga
If only the monsoon wouldn’t bring deluge and disaster in its sway
The poverty-stricken could keep their quagmire of troubles at bay
With the pearly drops of monsoon let the seedlings of love and compassion germinate
Through rejuvenated hearts let humanity, peace, and prosperity regenerate

Note: Malhar Raga is associated with the atmosphere of torrential rain.