
Love in Spain: A Story by Lakshmi Ajoy

A grand castle stood pompously against a floral backdrop in an extensive meadow. The richly ornated palace was in Spain, Europe. Queen Margaret was married to King Francis, the ruler of the Kingdom. They belonged to a royal family and were warriors by birth. The couple had an extraordinary love for each other that was inseparable. Nothing could really keep them apart. After a few years of happy marriage and generous ruling of the country, Queen Margaret was on the family way. A new Soul was to arrive soon. The couple was delighted as they awaited the arrival of the newborn. Finally, the day came… Alas! The Queen had birthed a stillborn. The shock of losing the baby was so intense that Queen Margaret decided to leave her current body and enter the body of the stillborn. Soon thereafter, the Queen’s Soul occupied the body of the little princess that was born. King Francis shed tears of misery over the loss of his beloved Queen. The pain was unfathomable. On the other hand, the responsibility of caring for the dainty infant princess that survived calmed him. The infant was named Princess Jasmine. Princess Jasmine was her dad’s favorite little girl. She was adored for her gracious beauty and stark resemblance to her mother, Queen Margaret. She grew up only to share an unusually deep bonding with her father. They were inseparable. As Princess Jasmine grew up, it was time for her marriage. She was married under the condition that the Prince who would marry Princess Jasmine would continue to live in the same castle and not separate the daughter from the King. Princess Jasmine was married to a charming Prince Philip from a neighboring kingdom and they lived happily in the same castle as King Francis. They continued a happy life for several years until a battle ensued in the kingdom. The battle was led by King Francis and Princess Jasmine. After a deadly fight with the enemies that lasted several days, where both father and daughter fought like true warriors, a time came when they were surrounded by the enemy soldiers on all ends. There was no escape from the maze of soldiers that surrounded them. Both the King and the Princess did not give up and despite the severe wounds they encountered, they fought like true warriors until the very end. An unexpected intense stab of a sharp sword pierced through their hearts and they both crashed down on the battleground. As their Souls awaited leaving their mortal bodies to merge with The Divine Light, the Cosmos witnessed a battle of true Love that had won. As they shared their final moments in the face of death, their hands touched each other as they whispered, “We’ll meet again!”, and peacefully shed their bodies when the Souls emerged from their bodies as sparks of golden light and merged as one against the backdrop of the Heavens.