
Life and more: A poem by Bina Pillai

Life to me is much more,
Than a big house, car and luxuries,
It’s about changing the world,
With happiness, compassion and peace!

Making a home, not with stone and bricks,
But with love and care in abundance,
Where children are taught to respect and love,
And money and fame are irrelevant!

Money can buy a rocking bed,
But it cannot buy you, sleep,
For that I have to sow my seed,
Only then I can reap!

Our smiles makes a difference,
To a person on the road,
It’s not for selfish happiness,
That we’re brought into this world!

My heart is filled with love for all,
I look around, extend my hand,
Joy and peace is what I get.
Their life becomes better and I can rest!

We live only once; we should live it well.
Honest and genuine, that our eyes can tell.
All things we collect, we can’t take with us,
But our kindness and goodness,
Will definitely go with us!

In the end what matters,
Is not what money had bought,
But from our hearts all that we built
Not what we have, but what we gave!

I like to leave behind a legacy,
That touches the chord in every heart,
When this world I bid good-bye,
I leave a tear behind, in every eye!

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