
Let Go: Let life Begin: A poem by Neeti Parti

I looked at the flower of my life one fateful day
It turned towards me and it’s eyes filled with hot tears
‘My petals have lost colour, they have withered, are shrivelled and drooping
I need rain and sunshine or I am going to die!’ it said.
I searched the core of my heart and found deep corrosive anger living within
My ego had expected and demanded that everything work as per my design
Negativity simmered because others had not measured up to my expectation
I had let resentment define me, crippling my wellbeing
Spitefulness, revenge and bitterness had overshadowed my spirituality
It was time so I ‘let go’ and aligned my life to the Higher Truth……
And almost instantaneously, as though by miracle, it began to rain!
As my moral chaos began untangling, I looked inwards at my own actions
I found deep destructive fear living within
I was in agony over my inability to live up to the expectations of others
I had let the pain of humiliation define me, crippling my healing
Remorse, guilt and overpowering shame had blinded my inner self
I ‘let go’ all to the Omniscient and the Omni- benevolent…..
And at that instant, as though by action Divine, the sun began to shine!
The ailing flower turned heavenwards to receive the blessed rain and sunshine
Peace descended upon my soul, revealing the path of inner devotion: the path of life itself!