
Let Go: A poem by Munira Dalal

Walking down a street despondent and sad
Saw at the corner holding colorful balloons a lad
Gleefully he released all of them in the sky
Seeing his joy; I let go of my sorrow with a sigh

Further ahead saw a starving family sharing scarce food
Bought for them more, wanting to do a deed good
Even in scarcity seeing them giving and sharing
I let go of greed; contented counted each divine blessing

Witnessed a funeral procession sad and solemn
Helpless and lifeless a body carried by pallbearers in the coffin
Wealth, status and power in that moment proved their futility
I let go of my pride and ego with humility

Dark grey looming clouds heavy-hearted and laden with rain
Burst open to pour as though to wash away the pain
When pent-up frustration and despair we let go
Thoughts full of positivity and hope fill our minds so

Free the mind of fears and failures of the past
You have the right to choose your life to again recast
Release jealousy, greed, hatred, anger, and despair from your cage
When the mind and spirit is free and unbound write a new page