
Last Meeting: A Poem by Rafika Rangwala

There was a massive darkness
The cold breeze was coming through the window
I was encircled by silence, loneliness, and calmness
Hush! I hear some footsteps
The cavity of my wrecked heart was inhaling and exhaling fast
This is our last meeting
The relationship between the heart and soul was breaking

I started up to recollect the sweet knot with him
Pleading for love and devotion
No! With a meek voice, he said
I can’t lean on this relationship furthermore
He had some duties to be owed
Some vows promise to keep on
He rushed into my arms
Clasped me with his hands
Wiped out my tears, cried like a baby
Nevertheless was unable to convince me
Even with his heart which was heavy
I was stunned and stood like a statue
Just lisping heavily adieu! adieu!