
Land of Love: A Poem by Lakshmi Ajoy

Far away in the land of love by days and nights,
Where the hearts are enshrined with captivating sights,
Under the romantic zephyr wafting through glittering stars and gleaming moonlight,
Beholding that sight of love in just you and me.
In the boundless verdant valleys with the pleasant golden sunlight,
Where the clouds feel light and rainbows scintillating bright,
Where purity and bliss are the only true sight,
Experiencing that ecstasy of love in just you and me.
In a magnificent archipelago with sparkling teal blue seas,
Watching the precious patterned corals and dazzling colorful reefs,
With a drifting scent through the soothing breeze,
Encountering this eternal tenderness in just you and me.
In a world full of joy, happiness, and peace,
Where there are no wars, no disease, and no hunger pleas,
The only language we speak is kindness as soft as fleece,
Tasting that fond passion in just you and me.