
Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: A Poem by Latha Warrier

In corridors long and shadows deep,
Where justice treads on weary feet,
A cry resounds from hearts oppressed,
For promises lost, in silence suppressed.

Time drags on, withering truth,
The scales unbalanced, a bitter truth.
In waiting rooms where hope resides,
Justice delayed is justice denied.

Each passing day, the wound does grow,
For those who seek, but do not know
When answers come, if ever at all,
Or if their pleas are doomed to fall.

A gavel’s strike, a distant dream,
Where rights are lost in time’s cruel stream.
For every tear and every sigh,
Justice delayed is justice denied.

Yet still they wait, with patient grace,
In hopes that truth will find its place.
But every tick, each fleeting hour,
Erodes the soul, and steals its power.

Let us not in silence stand,
But raise the truth with steadfast hand.
For in our hearts, let it be cried:
Justice delayed is justice denied.