
It is Your Smile: A Poem by Manisha Amol

I reminisce the moment you were born,
On my bosom, you were lying dazed,
Looking directly into my eyes amazed,
Your first smile faded my pains away!

Whilst I swung you in my arms,
Your innocent smile held me captive,
All the clouds of life’s discomfort,
Burst into cascading showers setting me free!

You tumbled often as a tiny tot,
Trying hard to maintain a balancing mode,
Desperately freeing from my protective hold,
Signaling victory for my eyes to behold!

Brandishing your bright wide smile,
Showcasing the few milky shining teeth,
A sparkling gleam in your eyes,
Lips curled up an act of naughtiness freak!

To create a whole new world for yourself,
As you wilfully tread ahead and move on!
My innate urge to subjugate my low feelings,
It gets overpowering on my forced smile!