
In Search of Freedom…: A Poem by Dr. Suboohi Jafar “Aatika”

We may roam around the world in search of freedom,
But can we ever sever from our foundation?
Waves always try to reach shore at a darting speed,
But have they ever broken ties with the ocean?

Forget the inner fear of being left out,
Spread your wings, and feel proud,
Proud of your origin, ethnicity and culture,
Stop pretending to be someone else, which is not your nature.

It’s alright to move forward and gather information,
It’s alright to attend events and celebrations,
It’s alright to make new friends and connections,
But it’s not okay, to forget your foundation and nation.

Freedom comes with knowledge, and knowledge comes with communication,
To understand it deeply, one needs frank exploration,
Freedom from being orthodox is the real freedom,
Take a deep breath, let the fresh air in, and follow secularism.