
Immaculate innocence: A poem by Dipanjan Bhattacharjee

Into my pristine eyes; lies innocence of a century,
Nonchalant to all mundane mayhems; I fete a naive glory.
Too credulous a soul I hold; thriving within my core,
Ignorant of malevolent norms; it stays slaphappy o’er the shore.

Ne’er drenched in fluids of a jade; I carry a chaste heart within,
Praising the fallen leaves; I bask in a solemn routine.
I behold the crawling ants; they work in a sublime hush,
Thru’ the hazel barks; they stroll the foliage lush.

I talk to butterflies; they unveil the bygone days,
As the cocoons broke; they flapped thru’ the scarlet rays.
Awestruck to their art; I spell no voice or word,
My curious pair of eyes; keep looking for my birds.

Magpies; storks and more; opaline shades they hold,
Few are tinselled winged; they mime the birds of gold.
I maunder to the stalks; they hold those cerise flowers,
Wandering by the garth; I spend my fruitful hours.

Hither though oft a time; I contemplate within, 
What mysteries stay concealed behind a luscious grin?
I am a virgin though; void of a coquettish zeal,
Those trees and little birds still make my whims unveil.