
I’m innocent: A poem by Smitha Vishwanath

A mere sidekick of modern-day technology
Held responsible for the decline of human psychology
The brain-child of man’s immense creativity
And blamed for his own monstrosity!

The new-age Frankenstein’s monster
That’s what man makes of me
When indeed, it is he who wreaks disaster
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, that’s how him I see!

As a knife that cuts, I’m only a tool
“Know how to manage me, not ban me, you fool”
I can help you share information, communicate and voice your views
I plead “Don’t let me be a bad man’s ruse!”

I know my powers, I can help bridge distances
Bring down governments; create leaders, make this a better place
It’s not just propaganda, I can give instances
Where I remained backstage, and yours was the pompous face!

All countries reside in me, I have the largest population,
‘Social Media,’ I’m called; man’s friendliest creation,
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, some of my many forms,
Use me wisely and follow acceptable norms. I’m innocent!