
Horizon: A poem by Supriya Bansal

Horizon, the ambit of the earth, the vestibule before she converges into heaven, 
Where she drops her sordid garb ‘n imbue in ethereal luster, imbibes its essence 
If I venture towards it, will I chance upon it ‘n savor a few drops of sublime delights 
Will I be plunged into utmost felicity, frolic enraptured, entranced by the opulent sights? 
I close in, giddy ‘n roused, chaperoned by the songbirds in the fading tangerine light  
I bide my time, for the clandestine tryst to happen, to behold the elusive heavens alight 
I meander as far as possibly can, still sanguine, toted by the amorous ocean waves 
the sky turns obsidian, silvery moonlight speckle ‘n sparkle, my boat ‘n the gale deliriously rave 
But the interlude doesn’t happen, the besotted recede ‘n ebb, sheering away from each other 
Was it my presence, that rendered the two lovers abashed, did I halt the liaison altogether? 

I hark back to the shore, somber ‘n sorry for intruding into an amatory rendezvous, 
once more, the ambrosial engagement of the lovers unravels, long overdue, 
The sky ‘n the earth, entangle ‘n entwine, with the moonlight shining through.