
Horizon: A poem by Jayashree Bhattacherjee

Where the tranquil serene sea stretched to meet the endless azure sky
The staggering silvery moon and the fiery stars shone high
Where the night mingled beyond the horizon of the  day
There we met, you and I, at the  brink of the  bay
Darkness there diffused with light
In tune with it, we unfurled our love for each other that night
When in the distant haze I caught a glimpse of you standing by
My heart skipped a beat as it leaped high
From beyond the softening silhouetted edge
You brightened like a blushing damsel emerging through the  haze
You were distant yet near, near yet distant
I swam across the  silence, touched your face with my elated hand
The fragrance of your lavender wafted across the labyrinth of my dream
You wore blue, the color dissolved itself at the  horizon, it did seem
Your face haunted the stillness of my life’s interlude
But suddenly you faded, leaving me morose in my solitude
Tears flooded my eyes like monsoon rain
My inconsolable heart ached with pangs of pain
As the scarlet melancholy spread itself in the  horizon
In wakeful hour I found, it was a reeling dream, an illusion.