
Happiness is…: A poem by Vasumathi Arvind

 Happiness is the first cry of a newborn
An explosion of feelings, it is motherhood born.
Happiness is the first raindrop on the parched earth
Petrichor warming hearts, breaking into mirth.
Happiness is the break of dawn
Shaking out of slumber, skipping like a fawn.
Happiness is the call of a hidden cuckoo
Its  soulful notes making one ask ‘Where are you?’
Happiness is walking through a thicket in the morning
Taking in the smells of the green branches forming an awning.
Happiness is seeing a furry squirrel sprinting across your balcony
Twirling its tail, the sight is sweeter than honey.
Happiness is picnicking on the banks of a river
Dipping your feet in the cold water, making you quiver.
Happiness is talking to an old friend, walking down memory lane
A kaleidoscope of colorful images on a glass pane
Happiness is feeling good with all that life offers
Thanking God for the blessings on us that he showers!