
Gratitude: A poem by Jellie N. Wyckelsma

To my parents who out of love gave me life,
And raised me as well as they could.
They taught me to respect fellowman and nature,
That regardless of color or creed I always should.
I’m grateful for everything that has come my way.
Of beautiful friends and colleagues, I’ve met,
Who have always stood by me whenever needed,
When by troubles and hard times I was beset.
Of the flowers and trees in my garden,
I feel privileged to tend to, admire and love.
I’m grateful I can feel the rain and the sunshine,
And watch the clouds as they drift above.
I’m grateful for all composers who with
Their heavenly musical chords shower me,
And the artists and sculptors that in
Their creations show me, how amazing life can be. 
Although my life is nearing its end,
Every day is still a wondrous experience and yes,
I’m happy for every day that I’m still alive.
Deep Gratitude are the only words I wish to express.