
Friendship: A poem by Jayashree Bhattacherjee

With friendship in its true essence
Life indeed is a blaze of magnificence
Friendship is priceless and rare
The sudden end of it is hard to bear.
Oh my sweet Goldie, my Golden Retriever,
You were my best friend I had ever
You moved me in a way others could not
Your unflinching love to me meant a lot.
The bridge of friendship that we built
We thought we would never let it tilt
When my tears flowed down like summer rain
You stayed near me till I was out of pain
We romped and played in the sun’s embrace
All our sorrows left without a trace
We treaded our paths, our
heads  basking in the sun
You wagged your tail with loyalty, joy, and fun
You were never like humans who betray
I thought you were always there to stay
But finally, I had to let you go
My heart was shattered, and my
drooping spirit so low.