
Fate? Absolutely!: A Poem by Amrita Mallik


‘You’re my destiny,’ indeed, I believe,

For you’ve changed the course of life,

From a bubbly, optimistic and carefree girl,

To a pessimistic and lacklustre one,

I’ve come a long way, disbelieving everything,

And, everyone, I had once trusted so much.

Feigned love, or was it my anticipation?

Sharing my geniality, and blossoming further,

O, I had been dreamy, cheerful and enthusiastic,

Until, you closed all the doors and windows,

In the name of prejudices, discipline and what not,

And, hollowed became my simple existence.


Fate? Absolutely! Who would’ve crossed path,

With such a misogynistic, insensitive and crude?

What can be worse that sharing the same roof,

All under the social dictate of raising a child,

Or is it, that a middle-class housewife,

Can’t find solace and breakthrough elsewhere?