
Euphoria: A poem by Manisha Amol


Quietude of mind silence of yonder,
Solitude in my heart left me to wonder,
Your presence in my life was so magical,
Took my breath away nonetheless whimsical!

Heard no utterances nor a soft murmur,
A strong wave of emotions carried your fervor,
Tight-lipped, tongue-tied to my cheeks,
Silently listened to the flutter of leaves!

Felt you snuggled close, could hear your cries,
Unable to touch you! hold you! feelings reprise,
Sensed a whisper, astounded sat there for a while,
The sound of waves came crashing to the shoreline!

As the moon descended to kiss the sea,
Unhindered thoughts floated far off too deep,
Your selfless love seemed permanent in its entirety,
Rendered a heartbreak full of grief and apathy!

Lurking in the dark, severed the bondages ruthlessly,
Left me alone reminiscing memories endlessly,
My heart is filled with euphoria on the thoughts of ecstasy!
Promised to me to miss you till eternity!!