
Dare to speak up: A poem by R.N. Padhy

The bravest man was Mahatma Gandhi

Who always dared to speak up the truth
Why that spirit is not in us?
Don’t we need to lead life smooth?

Dare to speak up what is right
Fear, not death, drive away devils
Against darkness always fight
Let all try to finish all the evils.

Be with them who dare to speak up the truth
Think about the future to save the human race
Never be blind followers of any evil
Your noble attempt can win God’s grace.

Let us lead lives in the right path
Let’s dare to speak up the sacred truth
Never allow evil clouds to cover our sky
For a bright future let’s prepare our youth.

The way to Heaven is for the right ones
Let’s choose that, not the way to hell
Let’s enjoy heavenly peace being truth lover
Heaven welcomes us, don’t prefer hell to dwell.