
Children of a Greater God: A Story by Narayani V Manapadam

That wintry afternoon, it was not just the dirty door of a ramshackle room that slid open. Countless bundles of fur scrambled towards me, threw open the window to my heart, and sauntered in. Their soft purrs, pitiful meows, and tiny razor-sharp claws clamored for a duet with my heartbeats in the music of love.

That place was a shelter! For divine, voiceless creatures! Carelessly abandoned by an increasingly greedy race who called themselves superior.

“If only, my babies, I could shelter you all from the wicked species!” I whispered to them, as my eyes welled up with unshed tears.

It was then the tiny black-and-white kitten chose me. I dared not argue with The Supreme One. Like a dutiful devotee, I bowed down to His choice. I picked him up and ran my hand over his velvety fur. The kitten closed his eyes in bliss, yet opened the floodgates of maternal euphoria in me. Yes! He was the one!

Uttam took to my home like a duck to water. People might say I rescued him from a shelter, but I know deep inside my heart, he was the one who coaxed me to come out of my shelter I termed as a comfortable cocoon.