
Believe in Yourself – You Owe it to You: A poem by Smitha Vishwanath

When no matter how hard you try, it isn’t enough,
And the journey ahead seems nothing but tough,
When friends ridicule you and others mock,
Stand steadfast; be a rock!

When those who love you, doubt your ability,
And in their eyes, you see the fear, the uncertainty-
Though they dare not say; ‘Pray don’t bother’
Have faith, keep going, know it’s’ only bad weather!

You know, you can be what you want to be,
If you can only say ‘I believe in me!’
And you dare to rise after every fall; wiser
Know then, that you will succeed; sooner or later!

For nothing is constant, not even failure,
And nothing is impossible, of this, be sure.
Your time will come, from the path don’t falter,
Know, you in no way are lesser than another!

Every bruise shall make you stronger,
Your life a furnace to make you better,
Know after every dark night, comes a bright new day,
Just believe in yourself; you will find the way!