
Believe in Yourself: A poem by Sujatha Sairam

Life all of a sudden came to a standstill, 
Everything appeared to be blurred and hazy, 
“Why me of all?” spoke my inner voice. 
“Is this the reward for my devotion and perseverance.”
I chided God when I heard the doctor saying, 
“You need to undergo a major surgery,
For the dreadful disease might take a toll. “

I knew I was in safe hands, 
But FEAR seemed to spread faster than my disease
I didn’t know how to overcome it, 
Until my mom took over my fear in her hand.
She in her usual comforting and soothing tone said. 
“Believe in yourself and you can tackle
The hardest of all the situations.
Fear is just your state of mind, 
Let it not weaken your indomitable spirit to fight back.
Understand that your self-belief is the real cure, 
You have to rise up from your fear.
You have to live your life, 
Shedding away all your fear