
Believe in Yourself: A poem by Anju Kishore

I know at times, all you see is the grey 
That envelops your mind and smokes across your eyes
While the black prepares to steal in from the edges
To fleck your sight with its presence. 

At such times, stop. And feel the red
That pulses as strength from your depths 
Flowing as courage and returning as hope 
To the center of your existential core. 

Listen to the subtle vibrations of your soul
That makes it glow with the pristine blue
Of the endless sky and the fearless sea,
Both manifestations of your being.

Observe the vibrancy of the green that surrounds you
And sway in tune with the music it dances to.
Trust that in your heart slumber the very sparks
That makes leaves sprout after an autumnal equinox.

Believe that in your own eyes is the light
That sparkling sum of all colors, now confident in white.
The greys may gather but will blow away like smoke.
Have you ever seen the sky and its clouds yoked?