
An Unframed Choice Without Boundaries

 “When will you grow up and learn?” yelled Mia’s mom in sheer exasperation. “You need a man by your side in your life.”

“Why?” retorted Mia, fuming. “I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I enjoy what I am doing. I am happy.”

With that, Mia put on her heels and escaped to her room, banging the door behind her.

She looked at herself in the mirror. A confident, responsible woman stared back at her.

“Did not wanting to marry and becoming a mother make her any less of a woman?” she thought to herself. Tears pricked her eyes.

Mia sighed. She loved her parents, especially her mom, and never wanted to hurt them. But they were too conventional minded and did not want to see her perspective.

Mia was a travel and food blogger. She had worked so hard to create a huge following on social media. She loved what she did.

One day, she was in a big city visiting the swanky restaurants tasting food made by choice chefs, and the next day, she was in a remote village tasting a home cooked meal.

That’s what she thrived on. The variety of not only spices but the variety of experiences – the people she met whilst on her travels, uneducated simple women, working women, experienced chefs, roadside stalls, stylish restaurants, and hotels.

She not only learned about the place and food, but also numerous life experiences along the way from the people she met. For some, she was an inspiration, and then there were those who inspired her. Then she penned down her experiences, creating magic with her words.

She did not plan one day from the next, and that’s what she loved the most. Marriage and kids would bind her. Deep within, she knew she would be miserable and, in the process, would make lives of others miserable too, which she did not want to do. Was that so bad?

Her mind was made up. She would need to leave this house and be on her own. She knew that would break her mother’s heart, but she could not do what they expected her to. She could never lead a life with boundaries.

Mia started to pack. She glanced at the framed photograph of her along with her parents. She picked it up and put it into her suitcase.

She went outside and looked for her mom. “I am sorry, mom. But I can’t do what you want. Please forgive me, if you can,” said Mia softly.

She opened the door and went outside, closing it softly behind her.

She stood outside and looked at the house fondly.

She thought of the framed photograph in her suitcase.

Her life would never be framed. It would always be unframed, undefined, without boundaries.

She walked away, feeling sad and at the same time free, limitless.

Srividya Gupta