
An Ode to My Mother: A Poem by Jayashree Bhattacherjee

I always revel in extolling your ethereal beauty and angelic appearance
My blissful domain, the charming ambiance of your appealing presence
From the moment I got you into my life
It has been imbued with ardor, beauty and truth together thrive
You had a redemptive power for my worldly vexations
Extricating me from all hardships with your magic potion
You make me so besotted over your sobriety n sedateness
You, who always stand at the summit of my existence
I long for your petting, your unflinching love so worth
You aren’t with me, miles apart, yet I always feel your warmth
I crave the little joys of holding hands together and carefree giggles
I miss your gentle touch, when close by you I did snuggle
A great preacher, a beautiful teacher, my confidante and forever friend
Firm but never fierce, your inexhaustible love how can I not comprehend?
You have enriched my life in so many ways
Your inspiration taught me to become a loving mother day by day
Each moment spent with you nostalgically springs up
As a kindled redolent to bolster our cherished motherly nexus
My honest invocation is being with you whom I eulogize
My miracle, my beloved mother, till we meet again in Paradise.