
An Interview with Dr. Jatinder Singh Bhogal

Dr. Jatinder Singh Bhogal

Who or what inspired you to embark on your own journey in the world of arts?
The fact that I have been blessed by God with the ability to create, to see, understand, interpret, and express in my own way through colors and words inspires me to offer back to God. The encouragement by my parents, my wife, and my kids and their expectations from me inspires me further. Indian mythology, teachings of various religious scriptures inspire me as subjects.

Have you studied arts or obtained formal training in it?
I have not received any formal training in the field of art.

Describe your art style.
I am still evolving, have no fixed style. In fact, I don’t want to be classified in a particular style. The subject which I choose to express helps me decide the style, medium, and colors.

For how many years have you practiced your art, and have you had to overcome any hurdles on the way?
I have been painting since my school and college days. My demanding medical profession sometimes comes in my way, but I am glad I can balance both very well.

What memorable responses have you had to your work?  
My biggest compliment is when people understand the story, the concept, the message which I want to express through my art, without my explaining to them.

Is there any specific area you now wish to explore?
I wish to explore the art of making sculptures.

What would you advise youngsters inclined towards the arts? 
I am not an expert to advise anyone, I am still in the process of learning. but would advise youngsters to listen to their hearts and keep painting without bothering much about the commercial viability. Keep working, one day the art lovers will discover you.

 Dr. Jatinder Singh Bhogal’s Artworks