
An apology: An article by Anjana Prasad

Is the coronavirus crisis, an ordeal by God to give a lesson to mankind? Is this God’s rage on the humans? Who knows?

The deadly and fatal coronavirus has outsmarted human intelligence, power, and above all, ego. It is said nothing can happen in this world without God’s will. This thought leaves me pondering whether all this that is happening, Is it God’s will? How is this pandemic able to rule and conquer the earth?

Maybe because of our own folly. We tortured, abused, and littered mother earth, leaving not a place unspoiled from the wide expanse of meadows to mountains and to oceans. Every place is marred by our arrogance. Humans have chopped down the trees, in the name of development. We seized land to build industries and factories to fulfill our dreams and desires and hotels for recreation. Towering towers for sending signals to the mobile phones that emitted radiations killing birds and endangering their lives. We were hurting mother earth in all possible ways with a banner “Save the earth, save the planet”. We learned people, became monsters injuring the earth, and left her bruised and bleeding.

We humans are now facing God’s wrath and maybe the curses of all the animals, insects, birds, and reptiles. We were deemed to live together with love and co-operation. So nature has planned something very resolute and firm to give us a lesson. This pandemic has spread throughout the globe for the last four months and is spreading its tentacles, throttling everyone. Humans are the carrier of the deadly virus, due to which lockdowns are imposed by governments all over the world. Institutions, malls, schools, and offices are sealed. Only a few vehicles ply on the roads. The streets are barren. The biggest and busiest cities have come to standstill. With lesser air and marine traffic, the pollution level has dropped down. The ozone layer is healing. Mother earth is healing, fauna and fauna are beaming with joy. Almighty is with mother earth helping her heal, to cleanse up and renew.

Its time for us to rewind our thoughts and understand the values of co-existence. Even Gods have shut their doors to us be it temples, churches, or mosques. We had forgotten the power of nature which can erase us in a snap. It’s time to realize that we don’t own this planet and are just a traveler on this earth.

Heal thyself mother earth we sing the song for thou recovery and wellbeing. Forgive us, heal thyself.