
ALS Parwaaz 2022 Ahmedabad Event


ALS Parwaaz forum is a social initiative of ALSphere Foundation and Asian Literary Society to provide an inspirational platform to the special need individuals and bring awareness by sensitising the society through panel discussions with eminent personalities working in this field.

Temple Grandin said, “There needs to be a lot more emphasis on what a child CAN do instead of what he cannot do.”

With this focus, ALS Parwaaz conducted a successful offline event in Ahmedabad on 7th May 2022. This event was aimed at showcasing the live performances of people with intellectual development disorder, physical disability and visual impairment. Performances included singing, dancing, yoga, embroidery, musical instruments, karate, painting and shloka recitation. The event endeavoured to alter the presumption of the society about the capability and talent of People with Determination and presented their courage, efforts and resilience.

Even the photo coverage of the event was done by a person with Down Syndrome and another with Aspergers Syndrome.

The audience included newly diagnosed families and young parents with special needs children.

The cultural program was followed by a series of comprehensive panel discussions on prevention and diagnosis of disability, teaching and training strategies for special need individuals, financial support and assisted living.

Panelists included renowned gynaecologist, paediatrician, developmental paediatrician, paediatric neurologist, counselor psychologist, therapist, special educators, nutritionist and experts working in the field of Special Olympics, vocational training, employment, disability rights, assisted living and financial advisor.

The key points discussed in ALS Parwaaz 2022 Ahmedabad forum were:

* Role of gynaecologist in caring for fetal health

* Benefits of early acceptance of child’s diagnosis

* Guidelines for screen time

* Information about non-evidence based treatment

* Taking care of child mental health

* Early intervention and role of therapies

* Ways to accommodate students with special needs in inclusive education setup

* Role of proper diet and supplements

* Complete guidelines about Special Olympics and its financial planning

* Ways to create awareness about special needs children in rural areas

* Initiating an online platform for sale of products made by special needs community so as to assist them in becoming financially independent

* Rights of people with disabilities in employment and education sector


The event received extensive coverage in print, digital and electronic media. ALS Parwaaz has provided the wind beneath the wings to special needs community through this event.

Zeba Hashmi