
A stranger: A poem by Manisha Amol

A complete stranger came knocking at the door,

With no signs of indication what was coming to the fore.
It was an unknown foreigner with a predetermined character,
In no time became powerful and pervasive in the atmosphere.

The entire human race was caught blind and unaware,
The impending disaster had arrived with so much scare.
Could not contain the pandemic despite all the media glare,
It surprised all the humans across the world so bare.

Months have crawled but still no medicinal care,
All are deeply hurt filled with so much uncertainty flare.
Despite scientists and intelligentsia searching threadbare,
All amidst this chaos there is nothing substantial to share.

We could not fathom the magnitude of this disaster,
The lightning speed with which it traveled from one place to another.
Whether rich or poor all equally afflicted by this monster,
All across people migrating to safer dens running helter-skelter.

We are waiting with abated breath for a permanent cure,
When the final day of respite will arrive still not sure.
It will be quite sometime before we demand more,
We are putting our best foot forward to God and Nature with all the lure.