
A Journey That Never Ended: A Poem by Poonam Kakodkar

The air was rife with so much fear and uncertainty,
That the mask I wore was inadequate,
Overflowing hospitals, sickness and death were all we knew,
Each day we look at the numbers, hoping for a decline.
Days, months, and years have rolled by,
Yet the vicious cycles of the virus after virus,
Strain after strain continues unabated,
From complete isolation to wary meetings,
We now burst into offices, meetings, and even parties,
The mask is yet to come off but the need to be with others is now unbearable.
Bags packed, we travel to traverse new states, countries, continents,
Break the monotony of a cooped up existence,
Eager to set foot on new soil,
Embrace family and friends again,
Yet the pandemic is a never-ending journey,
That has transformed lives in myriad ways.