
A heartfelt note from the Motherland to a Soldier: A poem by Gitika Verma

O’ my brave and valiant son
At times I’m unable to fathom the profoundness of your grit and devotion
When others savor the warmth of their secure homes and families
How fearlessly you brave the vicious conditions, guarding my borders amid uncertainties!

The sweet cuddles of your child, the warm hug of your wife
The boundless love of your parents, your dreams and your life
You forsake them all for the love of me without complaining ever
I feel proud that the warm blood galloping in your veins roars with patriotic fervor!

Enduring the brutal horrors of the battlefield for your fellow citizens back home
You give up your own comforts to gift them peace, liberty, and freedom
But when my soul is scarred by the venom of communalism and casteism
Writhing in agony I wonder, ‘do they really deserve your sacrifice, my son?’

I know it’s not your bulky armor or the heavy guns that weigh you down
Your heart goes heavy seeing your brethren succumbing to bullets all around
But emotions dare not weaken you nor on tears you waste a single breath
Fighting valorously, with least haze you too hug the ruthless death!

I swell with pride when the tricolor adorns me, fluttering with full vigor
But O’ son my heart bleeds to see you draped in tricolor as a martyr
Look! The mother who gave you birth cries over your coffin inconsolably
Come! I’ll embrace you my son for you shall now rest peacefully in my womb till eternity!