
A handful of earth: A poem by Munira Dalal


Give a potter a handful of earth
He molds and shapes it; gives you something of worth
Give a gardener a handful of earth and a spade
He gives you trees abundant that give you shade
Give a miner a handful of earth
He gives you coal, diamonds and so forth
Give a handful of earth to a farmer in a field
He satisfies our hunger with his abundant yield
Give a handful of earth to a builder and architect
He gives cities and structures that are perfect
Give a handful of earth to a gravedigger
He lays you beneath it; be a beggar or gold digger
Give a handful of earth to leaders of countries and state
They will draw boundaries on it; leading to war and hate
Give a child a handful of earth to play
He kneads and shapes it; he loves the clay
Give an archaeologist a handful of earth
He will centuries bygone sites and artifacts unearth
Our Earth is a natural giver and nurturer
With reverence and love, we call her Mother
Pray, let’s look after her with love and care
Deforestation, global warming are major issues of despair
Beware ! if in distress and anger she will quiver
Mountains and valleys; seas and oceans will shiver