
A bouquet of love: A poem by Pooja Mandla

You chose the contrasting colors
Of care, understanding, and space
And in the bouquet, you tied all these bloomers,
With the strong and eternal love lace.

You fragranced my breath,
With the aroma of your love so true
Calmed and soothed my turmoil mind and soul,
As I consumed the fragrance of you.

The waft of your love; like the waves of an ocean,
Caressed my lonely shore,
And my raw emotions
Somewhere deep within, it touched my core.

Your perfume that I inhaled,
Demanded nothing in return to prove my worth
My flaws and imperfections, you accepted,
And I witnessed my rebirth.

The scent of your love emanated 
Scintillated and hypnotized me,
You gave me the space in our togetherness, 
The spirit of our understanding did reign and glee.

You nurture this bouquet of love every day that you gave me,
So, it’s still so fresh and pure
Its perfume shall linger till eternity,
In my heart and soul.