
Second Chance: A poem by Shamsul Haq

Chances to the core call for a sheer commitment in unison
Very often, millions of chances go unnoticed by a cynical lot
A man of letter can materialize those to full connotation
A sickening soul can never carve a niche in success slot
At times, at the crossroad of life with looming chequered past
Each time sighing on the missed chances that evaporated all the way
With sledgehammer grit, I rose from the face of fall
Some haunting, some howling as disheveled memories passed by
Me, with an overpowering desire to come up with flying colors
I undertook a lofty stride, never let it be ravaged by ruthless time
I took initiative to materialize it in all dimensions
I fostered fortitude amid million blessings from the celestial sky
An inherent endeavor all along, braving against oodles of crises
I couldn’t stop the thunderbolts from their usual ruins
My first chance thou’ was dismantled by a set of obvious reasons
Yet, with tail’s up, I thwarted the throes of life with perseverance prime
Some speculated a total jeopardy, however, I remained rooted to my efforts
My first futile attempt became the stepping stone to subsequent success
Without losing heart, I focused on the second chance with might
In the tiring hours of the day, I eventually witnessed a paramount progress