
Believe in yourself: A poem by Nazima Kachwalla

It may seem like a mess,
Difficult to understand,
And impossible to assess, 
Pieces in the maze may just not fit,
Still try harder before the “I QUIT”. 

The silver lining will shine,
“This is my destiny” to it, do not resign,
Wear the big smile, stop the whine.
Scratch out failure with a bold omit,
Just a little harder before the “I QUIT”.

Let love replace hate,
Rely once again on fate,
Just remember its never too late.
Bury the unpleasantness in a pit,
Just a little harder before the “I QUIT”

Time to have a torrid affair,
Perk up the hope, entomb despair,
Send a packing to all “THE BEWARE”.
Build up the confidence bit by bit,
Just a little harder before the ” I QUIT”

The ability to believe in yourself shall change your life,
Be not like dumb driven cattle, be a hero in the strife.
Let your thoughts become words, words your action.
And dare to dream with such deep conviction.