
Letting Go: A poem by Monika Kapur

On a brilliant day in early autumn,
The ochre garden blessed with rays of the sun.
The calm breeze soothing your soul and mind
The swirling leaves, falling, leaving memories behind 
Slowly and most gently they touch your face,
Bringing a smile, before touching the ground with a  dull pace  
I can hear a symphony playing somewhere around,
I am lost, sipping in the beauty, transfixed to ground
I am treading the path filled with beauty and I am dazed,
The winter’s waking up slowly, the summer feels lazed 
The fall’s aroma, its magical spell, the  rustling sound of leaves,
The end could be so alluring to the soul, autumn strengthens that belief.
The fair well so pristine, the air so breezy,
I came back learning that, autumn makes look “letting go” so easy.