
Special Child: A poem by Omar Nassar

Autistic or not, their disability has never been a disability
Often born anemic or without any mobility
Every disabled child has that miraculous possibility
Even in hostile environments to enjoy divine nobility…
Whether physically or mentally impaired they are rich at heart
Endowed with their own rare moments of mirth
Full of laughter and happy even when spiritually weak
Aware only before one God salvation all do seek…..
When a child wild or not, will ever remain a child
Of sweet innocence whether deaf, dumb or blind
Are all of fun and imagination of a similar bind
Talented, creative, active and rarely left behind…
Children of love created by God, and not odd
But precious as gold,  from the times of old
Are always endowed with unique brainpower
And most grow up to be Society’s respected manpower…
Because of a special child, like a wildflower
Has its unique magnet and fragrance
With strong willpower to laugh, sing dance and play
Though so often treated indifferently denied a day…