
FRIENDSHIP: An acrostic poem by Munira Dalal

Friends are an important part of our life
 be it parents, siblings, husband, and wife
Reliable in all times of joy and sorrow
 gladly help in dire times if you have to borrow
Inspiring and motivating will always push you ahead
when you are in despair; and want to give up instead
Endearing and caring in good times and bad
 no will cheer you better when you are sad
Noble in words and deed
will always defend and protect us when comes the need                                                                           
Daring and courageous will always stand by you
will readily take a few punches for your sake too
Supportive and patient when you seek their advice
if you’re depressed; they will make your life full of spice 
Honest and trustworthy they will keep your secrets
be it your failures, rejection, fears, and weakness
Innumerable memories bind us together
remembering them is joyful; each nostalgic than the other                                                                                       
Precious and priceless beyond any measure
nurture it, respect it don’t lose this treasure